Funny MEMEs About Home Life

60+ Funny Memes About Home & Life

Memes can be a great – and often funny – way to express the essential truths and frustrations of life, living, and maintaining the family home.

We have collected some of our favorite memes from across the World Wide Web, including a few we have created for our own readers based on our own experiences.

If you’re looking for a fun – and often funny – way to express your frustrations with everyday life, memes are a great way to do that. They are catchy, cute, and usually spot on when it comes to what life can throw at us all.

Andy, if you’re looking for even more ways to add some fun to your home, check out our recent post about funny home decor.

Memes About Cleaning Your Home

It is the rare individual who actually enjoys housework. Sure, we may all enjoy the results of housework, that rare period when the house would be presentable should unexpected guests drop by, but very few of us actually enjoy the manual labor involved in achieving that result.

To celebrate our love to hate housework, I have collected just a few Memes that reflect what it’s like to try to maintain a clean home.


House Cleaning Meme | Cleaning is Just Putting Stuff in Less Obvious Places

Cleaning is just putting stuff in less obvious places.

Those dang birds and mice don’t help out AT ALL!!

House Cleaning Meme | Disney lied about forest creatures who will clean my house for me

I don’t care about Disney lying about my Prince Charming. I’m more upset about forest creatures and their unwillingness to clean my house.

Great Advertising, Bad Life Goals!

House Cleaning Meme | Febreeze Commercials

If the febreeze commercials with the rooms filled with rotting garbage inspire you to buy febreeze… then you need to clean your f*@&ing house.

Joan Rivers knew a thing or two about life, and Housework!

House Cleaning Meme | Joan Rivers - I hate housework!

“I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again.” – Joan Rivers

Don’t we all?

House Cleaning Meme | ADCD: Attention Deficit Cleaning Disorder

I suffer for ADCD: Attention Deficit Cleaning Disorder. It’s where you start to clean one thing, but get distracted by another thing that needs cleaning. That causes you to bounce from one job to another only to end up doing a lot of work with nothing to show for it!

Cleaning can be EXHAUSTING!

Home Cleaning Meme | Tired After One Sock

Me: I should clean my room

Also me: Exhausted after picking up one sock.

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Memes About Grocery Shopping

We all need to eat. And to enable that function, we all need to go grocery shopping. Sometimes it can be fun, sometimes it can be a chore, but it is always, always, always Meme worthy.

I have done this more times than I care to admit.

Went to Grocery Store Hungry MEME

Accidentally went to the grocery store hungry. Now I am the proud owner of aisle 7.

And sometimes I’m lucky if it’s just aisle 7!

Grocery shopping can be exhausting!

Grocery Shopping Meme |  Grocery Shopping is Exhausting!

So exhausted from grocery shopping…ordering pizza for dinner tonight.

Guilty as Charged!

Grocery Shopping Meme |  Mom vs Dad Shopping

That’s why they put it at the back of the store… just saying.

Grocery Store Milk MEME

I just went to the grocery store to buy milk and it only cost me $125.00

This particular meme speaks so clearly to my life, that I wrought a post about it.

You got that right!

Grocery Shopping Meme | Road Trip Snacks

It doesn’t matter how old you are, buying snacks for a road trip should always look like an unsupervised 9-year-old was given $100.

Few things test a parent’s patience more.

Grocery Shopping Meme |  Shopping with Children

Feeling good about your parenting skills? A quick trip to the grocery store with the little darlings will put you back in your place real quick.

Memes About Budgets & Finances

Money? Left over???

Personal & Home Finance Meme | Money Left Over

You ever pay bills SO MUCH that when you have money left over you be like… WTF did I forget to pay??

Amazing how it all adds up

MEME about clutter

Look around… all that clutter used to be money.

The struggle is REAL!

Personal & Home Finance Meme | Found $80 in My Jeans

I found $80 in my jeans. The kid in me says “buy nerf guns and candy”, but the adult in me says, “buy vodka, nerf guns, and candy”.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Personal & Home Finance Meme |  Not Looking for a Bunch of Cash

You’re more likely to find something when you’re not looking for it. Right now, I’m not looking for a bunch of cash. I hope this shit works.

Ahhhh… Sweet, sweet memories!

Personal & Home Finance Meme |  Favorite Childhood Memory

“What’s your favorite childhood memory?”
Me: not paying bills.

Sounds about right…

Personal & Home Finance Meme |  How I Spend My Money Pie Chart

How I spend my money… as a pie chart.

And they call it “Reality” Television

House Shopping Meme | HGTV Budget Be Like

HGTV be like… I work part-time at a daycare, and my husband breeds salamanders. Our budget… $1.3 million.

Memes About Parenting

Nothing is scarier than a house that is full of quiet children.

Silence is Golden Children MEME

Since is Golden. Unless you have CHILDREN, then it’s just SUSPICIOUS.

Like a sloth riding a turtle was my youngest’s nickname!

Memes About Parenting | Getting Kids Ready is like a Sloth Riding a Turtle

A picture of my kids getting ready to leave the house.

Diagnosis, Children

Memes About Parenting | Diagnosis, Children

Diagnosis is: I’m afraid you have what is known as “Children”. There is no cure.

A lesson that I’m still working on

Memes About Parenting | You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.

“You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” – Franklin P. Jones

Evil, but true!

Memes About Parenting | My daughter asked me what it's like to have kids, so I interrupted her every 11 seconds until she cried.

My daughter asked me what it’s like to have kids, so I interrupted her every 11 seconds until she cried.

How we will be remembered…

Memes About Parenting | "When I miss my parents, I put 12 expired salad dressings in the fridge and it feels like home"

“When I miss my parents, I put 12 expired salad dressings in the fridge and it feels like home” – Cara Weinberger

Memes About Family

Now means NOW!

When mom says “when you get a chance” what she really means is “get off your ass and do it now”!

The apple doesn’t fall far from the turnip truck

Memes About Family | If you met my family, you would understand!

If you met MY FAMILY, you would understand.

Getting to know you, getting to know all about… wait, Wi-Fi is BACK!!

Memes About Family |  Wi-Fi went down for five minutes so I had to talk to my family. They seem like nice people.

Wi-Fi went down for five minutes, so I had to talk to my family. They seem like nice people.

Thank goodness THAT’s over… now back to the fun stuff!

Memes About Family |  Every family has that one weird relative.

Every family has that one weird relative. If you don’t know who that is, then it’s probably you.

The power of MOM Voice!

Memes About Family |  When Mom Calls You by your Full Name

The face you make when mom calls you by your full name.

We don’t suffer from insanity, we rather enjoy it

Memes About Family |  Insanity does not run in my family  Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

Insanity does not run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

Memes About Marriage & Relationships

Don’t laugh… Don’t do it…

Memes About Marriage & Relationships | Never Laugh at Your Wife's Choices

Never laugh at your wife’s choices. You are one of them.

Dogs Rule, People Drool

People Are Stupid Get a Dog MEME

If you love someone, set them free. If you ate someone, set them free. Basically, set everyone free and get a dog. People are stupid.

At least Tin Foil is useful for Cooking

Memes About Marriage & Relationships | Sometimes Your Knight in Shining Armor is just an idiot in tin foil.

Sometimes your knight in shining armor is just an idiot in tin foil.

Giving up control of the remote = True Love

Marriage Remote Control MEME

Shout out to all the married folks out there waiting for their spouse to fall asleep on the couch so they can watch what they really want to.

Because, you know, my hair!

Memes About Marriage & Relationships  | I'd Walk Through Fire For You, well not fire because it's dangerous.  But a Super Humid room. But not too humid, because my hair...

I’d walk through fire for you. Well not fire because it’s dangerous. But a super humid room. But not too humid, because my hair…

The true definition of marriage

Marriage Texting MEME

Marriage is just about texting each other… “Do we need anything from the grocery store??” over and over again until one of you dies.

It’s a cute puppy though!

Wife New Puppy Compromise MEME

My wife said she wanted a puppy. I didn’t. So we compromised… Meet our New Puppy!

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Memes About Cooking

Now that we’re full-grown adults, it appears that we are now responsible for feeding ourselves – and others!

To honor the age old tradition of cooking dinner without burning the house down (more than once) we’ve whipped up a collection of our favorite cooking memes.

I love, love, love BACON!

I Love Bacon MEME

I love bacon because I can wrap it around anything. Basically, it’s the duct tape of food.

Wine makes EVERYTHING taste better

Memes About Cooking | Cooking With Wine

Tonight I tried cooking with wine… after four glasses, I couldn’t even remember why I was in the kitchen.

4 Glasses though??? A bit of a lightweight, if you ask me. 😀

Meat temperatures can be tricky

Memes About Cooking | Classic Gordon Ramsay.  The beef is so under cooked, it is starting to eat the salad.

Classic Gordon Ramsay. The beef is so under cooked, it is starting to eat the salad.

They were so light and fluffy… like AIR!

I baked up a batch of sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan brownies… They were surprisingly easy to make!!

That one time you asked for help…

Memes About Cooking | Last night I asked my husband to put some spaghetti on the stove so I could start dinner when I got home... I came home to this...

Last night I asked my husband to put some spaghetti on the stove so I could start dinner when I got home… I came home to this…

When people tell you they can’t cook… believe them

Memes about Cooking | When you're cooking & the recipe says "chill in the fridge for one hour"

When you’re cooking & the recipe says “chill in the fridge for one hour”

Just a little bit of this and a pinch of that.

Grandmothers MEME

If God had intended us to follow recipes, he wouldn’t have given us Grandmothers.

When you get ambitious, but do it wrong.

Memes About Cooking | I tried cooking something from scratch... and ended up summoning a demon.

I tried cooking something from scratch… and ended up summoning a demon.

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Memes About Mornings

Mornings, and Poems, are hard

Memes About Mornings | Roses are red. Mornings are hard. I suck at poetry. Coffee.

Roses are red. Mornings are hard. I suck at poetry. Coffee.

Dear Coffee…

Morning Coffee MEME

Dear Coffee, you make mornings (almost) tolerable.

Morning People… vs Me

Memes About Mornings |  Some people in the morning vs Me

Some people in the morning vs me.

I may rise, but shine… really? What do you expect from me??

Memes About Mornings | Nanea Hoffman Rise and Shine Quote

“No, I don’t really “rise and shine.” Most days, I just caffeinate and then hope for the best.” – Nanea Hoffman

Oh, that Debbie!!

Memes About Mornings | dry shampoo'd & febreeze'd my kids on the way out the door

I just dry shampoo’d & febreeze’d my kids on the way out the door, so no, I’m not really interested in your family’s morning chore chart, Debbie.

It’s a dangerous time…

Memes About Mornings | The Most Dangerous Drinking Game is seeing how long I can go without coffee.

The most dangerous drinking game is seeing how long I can go without coffee.

The trick is to refill the cup before it hits the bottom line

Memes About Mornings | This Coffee Mug is Life

Full Cup = Unable to communicate in full sentences

Half Cup = Slightly more coherent but still unable to hold a conversation

Empty Cup = You may speak now

If you’re anything like me and absolutely MUST own this mug, you can find it on

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Memes About Adulting

Being an adult is much harder than we – as children – could have imagined. We are all in SUCH hurry to grow up, and then – once we’re grown up – we realize that this this shit sucks!

I can only Adult properly on days that end with N

Memes About Adulting | I Can't Adult Today, Please Don't Make Me Adult.

I can’t Adult Today. Please don’t make me Adult.

Learning to Accept Yourself

Summer Bikini Body MEME

Although my summer bikini body wasn’t ready, my fall sweater body is ON POINT!

If only it were that simple!

Memes About Adulting | How to be an Adult

How to be an adult. Pay your bills. Don’t smoke meth. Keep a few close friends. Wear deodorant.

Truer words were never spoken

Memes About Adulting | Free Time is just you procrastinating something.

As an adult, any “free time” you have is actually just you procrastinating something.

Seems like a reasonable trade-off

Memes About Adulting | I pretend to like people every day. It's called adulting.

I pretened to like people every day. It’s called adulting. That’s why we’re allowed to buy alcohol.

Mature is as Mature Does

MEME about being an adult

Nobody ever said that being an adult was a Good Idea

Memes About Being an Adult | Dumbest Thing I've Ever Done

Being an adult is the dumbest thing I’ve ever done.

We are always on the lookout for an adultier adult

That horrifying moment when you are looking for an adult, but you realize you are an adult. So you look around for an older adult. An adultier adult. Some better at adulting than you.

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We hope you have enjoyed discovering this collection of memes about Home Life as much as we did! 

And if you’re wondering which Meme best sums up my home life… here it is: 

Memes About Home Life | I have a feeling that my guardian angel often looks like this.

3 thoughts on “60+ Funny Memes About Home & Life”

  1. Thank you, I have recently been searching for a collection of memes like this for ages and yours is the best!

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