Recycling Old Halloween Masks into New Halloween Decor is so simple, so much fun, and with the wide range of Halloween Masks available every year, the possibilities are endless!
Halloween Masks can serve many purposes, beyond being used for dress-up on October 31st. Once they have served their purpose as part of a scary costume, they can be re-purposed for many years after as an equally scary Halloween Decor prop.
Recycling Old Halloween Masks is actually one of my favorite ways to decorate for Halloween. It’s terribly simple and yet very effective. You can either collect up the Halloween masks that were used for previous years’ parties or trick-or-treating or – like me – you can hit the discount bins the day after Halloween and pick up a bunch of great masks for a fraction of their original cost.
Here are a few examples of Old Masks that have been upcycled into New Halloween Decor
Some of these are staples that I have used in my own Halloween decorating for many years. I’ve also inspired some friends to do the same!
The Dragon’s Head
This was an amazing find one post-Halloween shopping trip. These were EXPENSIVE masks, nearly $100 each prior to Halloween. I bought them for $20 each (there are three in total). When Halloween comes around, I wrap the exterior lights with some red fabric and then slip these over. It creates a fantastic look over the garage having 3 Dragon’s Heads protecting the property.

Severed Head in a Cauldron
Contrary to the Dragon’s Head, this mask was really inexpensive. About $3. And it’s been part of the Halloween Tablescape for many years. I’d say that’s a pretty good payback. All I did was stuff the head with some rolled up black landscape fabric and put it into one of those Witch’s Cauldrons, and then placed it on the table with some other spooky decorations. The eyes looking up from the black cauldron provide a wonderful and spooky effect.

And it doesn’t have to be a full head mask to create an interesting and frightful impact. For example, an old Masquerade Mask hung on the wall and framed with parts of the old costume creates a singularly creepy visual. If the wall is too light, make sure to put something black behind the mask to ensure that the eyes remain jet black, empty, and soulless.

Pretty much any old Halloween Mask can be recycled into a uniquely wonderful piece of Halloween Decor.

Creating your own Halloween Decorations using an old Halloween Mask is really simple.
Step 1: Find Old Halloween Masks
If you’re looking for this year, you can rummage through the old costume boxes that you keep in storage. Or, you can ask friends and family to donate their old masks to your project. Other options include hitting the thrift shops for used Halloween masks. After Halloween, you can hit all of the standard retail stores and buy a bunch of masks on clearance – as much as 90% off if you’re lucky – to use next year. This usually ends up costing pennies on the dollar compared to days earlier.
Step 2: Stuff them with Something
The options are endless. Styrofoam mannequin heads work really well, and can usually be bought for about a buck or two. Rolled up landscape fabric works as well, as the black helps fill in some of the gaps and make the head look more “complete”. In a pinch, old clothes and even plastic grocery bags work. Really, anything that will help the head hold a somewhat head-like shape. It doesn’t have to be perfect, because these are severed heads… irregular shapes often add to the creepy look.
In addition, if the mask doesn’t come with enough “hair” to create a complete look, you can use old Halloween costume wigs to finish off the decor to your liking. These, too, can be purchased after Halloween at a significant discount. But, most often, I just grab the left-overs from other’s Halloween costumes. Halloween wigs rarely last more than one wearing, so people are more than happy to donate them my way.
Step 3: Put them on Display
You can display the heads in a variety of ways. Simply put them on a shelf as a severed head, or you can get more elaborate and create a scarecrow body for the head to rest upon. How you display these Halloween Masks is only limited by your own imagination.
One of my favorites is this one…
The Serving Platter Head
This uses an old mask, a Styrofoam mannequin head, and a black serving platter. Once the mask is properly placed, add some Cheetos Puffs to the tray. Not only do they make a great snack, but they also give the ghoulish look as if maggots are crawling all over the severed head!!

This guy is always a morbid hit among guests!
So, there you have it. Recycling Old Halloween Masks into New Halloween Decor is easy, economical, and oh… so… creepy!
Happy Halloween!!!!